Testing the New Library Webcam
Fleur-de-waffle from Wholly Ground in Walker
Wait, I Have That!
Mom, Corey, and I were watching Pawn Stars on Netflix earlier tonight when I noticed something familiar. A guy was trying to sell his old Uncle Sam coin bank. I said, “Wait, I have that!” and went to get it from my closet. The bank on Pawn Stars had a small mechanical problem, but the guy still sold it for $800. I think I need to list this thing on Craigslist.
Travel Guide Display
The new book display I put up goes along with the summer vacation theme. I made a couple of “road signs” along with postcards from all over the country. All the books are local and national travel guides. The top section has a list of places to visit in Livingston Parish, along with a couple of well-known out-of-parish options.
Stuff from This Summer
We have all kinds of stuff going on at the library right now. For starters, animals in hot air balloons are taking over the children’s wing. We had a rock ‘n’ roll program which seems to be the most popular thing at our library since Harvey Rabbit, who’ll stopping by next week, coincidentally. It had to be one of the first programs at our library that had patrons from out-of-state–my cousins that were staying with us at the time. Not to mention there’s a cruise ship docked in our sitting area, and I somehow have an excuse to wear blue jeans at work four days each week. We have a Nook now, too, for what it’s worth. At least I’m not running around wearing a wrestling belt, oversized sunglasses, and a bleach blonde goatee anymore.